The Esthe Pro Labo brand leverages the vitality of natural plants and eliminates compromise from all processes, from ingredient selection to prescription, creative design, and final product development. As salon-exclusive inner beauty products prioritizing quality and safety, we deliver only genuine products that focus on results.

Esthe Pro Labo Certified GRAN PRO. Salon-Exclusive Product, Counseling Sales Required
We propose our Enzyme Fasting Program, which combines enzyme fasting support foods and supplements, centered around the high-end enzyme drink HERB ZYME® 113 GRAN PRO, developed with a focus on enzyme nutrition. We also offer high-concentration beauty drinks and supplements infused with Hokkaido thoroughbred horse placenta, as well as skincare products. This GRAN PRO salon-exclusive professional-grade product line requires face-to-face counseling sales.

Gran Medic
Esthe Pro Labo Certified GRAN PRO. Salon-Exclusive Product, Counseling Sales Recommended
Like Esthe Pro Labo®, which leverages the power of nature, Gran Medic was created to support treatments in aesthetic salons and clinics.
We promise remarkable results with these Made-in-Japan inner beauty products developed through medical research.

Esthe Pro Labo Certified GRAN PRO. Salon-Exclusive Product, Counseling Sales Required
Developed by combining modern sports nutrition, leveraging the expertise of top sports trainers, with Esthe Pro Labo’s knowledge of enzyme nutrition and intestinal bacteriology, these supplements are designed to provide safe, secure, and effective results. They contain none of the ten additives or synthetic ingredients and help create an ideal body without strain.

Gran Femin
Femtech and Controlled Medical Devices
We provide products and services that support women throughout their life stages. Our goal is to help each individual connect with themselves, both body and mind, and gain a deeper understanding of who they are. Topics like health and sexuality are universal issues that affect all of humanity. Femtech is an essential choice to promote diverse lifestyles. By expanding the Femtech market through Gran Femin, we will contribute to creating a society where all people can live more comfortably.

The GROWCEL GRAN PRO HAIR & BODY CARE series was developed under the free policy concept to create true beauty and wellness. Maintaining the daily condition of your skin and hair becomes essential and is also important for future beauty. With a 10-free policy, avoiding any stress-inducing ingredients, this professional-grade outer care line is designed to bring out your natural beauty.

The Epius Series focuses on the theories of dermatological science, leveraging proprietary technology to bring out beauty and achieve ageless* skin.
*Skin that does not show the effects of aging.

Esthe Pro Labo Certified Salon-Exclusive Product, Counseling Sales Recommended
The Professional Use Herb Tea Selection, representing Esthe Pro Labo’s origins, features over 280 herbs and beauty ingredients blended to meet specific purposes. The diverse lineup includes popular body-shaping support supplements and lifestyle goods. It is the Esthe Pro Labo brand’s second line, and counseling sales are recommended.

Prolabo solution.
Beauty and wellness businesses, including aesthetic salons, beauty salons, clinics (medical institutions), treatment clinics, and sports facilities
Centered around professional-grade quality, the brand focuses on a results-driven philosophy that is thoroughly committed to achieving results. We offer solutions for various needs, including professional-use beauty devices, aesthetic equipment, fascia care machines, hydrogen inhalation devices, and supplements. We also provide support for optimizing treatments and operations, as well as building strategies for differentiation.